THE CITY DWELLER’S GUIDE to cooking sustainably

The only guide you’ll need to learn to cook sustainably in your city.

In 2016, our founder Amanda McLemore gave up the grocery store for an entire year to see if it was possible to better connect with the local food grown within and around her city. In this year she learned much about growing her own food, sourcing local and packaged free ingredients, and how to preserve the seasons; all for her health and the health of the planet.

We all are looking to be a little more sustainable, right? They tell us to use less packaging, eat more plant-based and shop locally and seasonally. So you go to the farmer’s market to purchase said local and sustainable produce only to realize that your local farmer’s market is nothing like a grocery store. What are some of these plants? How do I cook them? If I am paying more for local and organic produce how can I make sure that it doesn’t waste away in my fridge?

In The City Dweller’s Guide To Cooking, Sustainably Amanda gives you the tools to make your kitchen sustainable. Part resource and part cookbook this guide will help you create less food waste, learn how to create a package-free kitchen, help you navigate the farmer’s market, and more.